Kudos, Ms. Ward. This is journalism.

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🤷Haven't watched by I trust your reaction... Unfortunately it seems "normal" these days that for one person to be seen as good/competent or worthy, another has to be less so. In real life, two things can be equal but different, but that doesn't translate well to drama (except for All the President's Men authors - Bernstein & Woodward perhaps?)

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Thanks for the review. Glad I don't have to watch it now.

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Re: Maitlis facing challenges, isn't she the one who got told by Marjorie Taylor Green to go f- herself right before the State of the Union, simply for asking a logical question? And she handled it beautifully, with a smiling "thank you" to MTGs receding back. For me in the US, even though MTG thankfully doesn't represent MY state, it was quite the embarrassing contrast between two women in the public eye.

Not that being cussed out by a whack job who is running around the halls of Congress thinking she's The Queen (of America...) is the worst challenge a reporter could face. Actually, in a way, it's sort of an endorsement and means she actually asks real questions. But I was still impressed that she didn't seem to miss a beat or stop smiling, in and doing so made Ol Marj look like an even bigger a-hole.

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I found 'Scoop' enjoyable and rather well done with generally good performances though oddly I found Gillian Anderson altogether too gracious and grand to be credible. The performance echoed to a degree Anderson's portrayal of Thatcher which is quite wrong for Maitllis so in that respect I agree with Vicky Ward.

The major issue I have with the show though is whether the interview, really mattered that much. Unlike Harvey Weinstein or Richard Nixon, Prince Andrew has and had no serious power over anything. This is minor stuff yet it is presented as if it were world-shaking.

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