Dear Vicky ~ Please add some honey to your apple cider vinegar! And you honestly can sip on this rather than drink it, and think of having it only when your voice is feeling particularly congested. It's just a few teaspoons in a glass of warm water. So looking forward to starting work with you on the next one! And maybe some new exercises...

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For anyone reading, Deena is my amazing voice coach!! Can't wait for our upcoming session and to work with you again!! Apple cider vinegar notwithstanding! V

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Steve Bannon, Jared Kushner, Ivanka, and the rest of those folks.

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Please Stop with the Hunter Biden! If you read through the Bannon news of his Chinese partner that got indicted, you would learn that the laptop op was cooked up by Bannon and Guo. There’s a reason these oligarchs worked feverishly to smear the Bidens: DOJ coming for all their ill-gotten gains

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Thank you for the survey, but/and I enjoy hearing even a quick take on news that your prior life experience gives you a unique viewpoint. I'm enjoying learning about things here that I didn't know much about.

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But I am now very much looking forward to the deep dive. Also of you ever have time I'd love to hear what the admissions department at the law schools with free speech debates were being told and are now being told. Do they want to admit more of the same?

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Whatever intrigues you will interest me. Thank you for your time and expertise.

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I am a subscriber, but it would not let me vote. More on Hunter Biden and Epstein please.

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Hi Vicky, I for one am more interested in reading what you write than listening to your podcasts. Just my 2 cents.

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I love to marry you

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Too many deep dives.

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