
Thank you! I will read it immediately

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Apr 29Liked by Vicky Ward Investigates

Phenomenal- looking young woman.

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More cogently, I am perplexed and confused by the Gaza/college protesters. Reference is often made to the 1968 movement, etc. I was there then and we were protesting against OUR government, its imperialist policies and war, and to protect OUR lives. Here we have young people going over the edge for a distant conflict, that the USA has been nourishing and tolerating and is indirectly supporting. None of them are personally at risk (although some have relatives on both sides). Their goal of academic divestment of war stocks is misdirected and flimsy to say the most. Even if it happens it will not change the geopolitical circumstances one bit. Meanwhile, here at home democracy is fragile and very much at risk and they are not paying any emotional attention. What gives????

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Great comment. Thank you. I'll be writing a newsletter about this.

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Protesters have evidently been speaking at my local city council meetings since the war started and don't plan on stopping, demanding that my city put out a statement in support of a ceasefire or else we are all complicit in genocide. I went to a meeting on local business and was shocked and appalled. The words they are speaking are asking for peace, but the tone and body language, by the time the 10th one has spoken, is menacing and looking for war. It is extraordinarily off putting. They aren't swaying opinions, and it wouldn't matter what my city said, but as an audience member it appears like they are just showing off that they can disrupt meetings, and it renders any sympathy I would have had gone.

The city says legally, because they were allowed to speak once off topic they can speak again and again and again on this non agenda item.

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If you feel safe, saying so, would you mind sharing which city you live in. I can investigate further.

Understood, if you'd rather not. Feel free to email me directly also.

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There are never any female characters I can relate to in any movies. Men are mostly doing the writing (directing and producing too) and just don't seem to "get" women. No wonder the trans incels are clueless about real women.

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Spot on with your review! How characters grow and the story that is told are what makes us interested. I’m wondering if the movie Zendaya thought she was making became different due to edits.

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Angelica Jade Bastien at Vulture wrote a superbly worded review that touches on many of your feelings here.

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Thanks for this--I appreciate honest reviews and they are hard to find now.

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I have not seen the movie yet, because the trailer made me uncomfortable, but from the sound of your review I‘m surprised Zendaya would choose to play someone this shallow with no sign of growth. It must have been her conscious decision to do so, but why? Maybe it’s about displaying a range, something completely different from MJ on Spider-Man and her role on Euphoria…

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🤔I must be one of those living under a rock so had no idea what everyone was talking about-wasn't Challenger a space craft or something? Sounds like it's not my kind of movie if the female lead just looks "hot" but doesn't have an interesting story... Aimed at the male/lesbian audience?

The "protests" are fraught because yes, what is happening in Gaza is unacceptable, and students are always at the forefront of protesting going back decades. However, some of the people associated with the "cause" are blaming all sorts of people & orgs that can't do what they are asking for because Israel is a sovereign country, plus using abusive/racist/violent rhetoric to lump anyone who doesn't totally agree with them all together, when people have nuanced views based on their personal history etc

What is that saying? "Love the person - abhor the behaviour"

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