Complex but stay on it. Perhaps describe further in detail what happened in the blockade and why/how this affected the operations of the air base. Try to find somebody or something that embodies the UAE position because that argument gets a bit lost in the complexity? Remind us how many service members are stationed at the air base and what their life was like under blockade by their commander in chief. Just some ideas!

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All good thoughts, Thank you!

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Great piece Vicky -- threads here also get entangled with the Flynn-Barrack Middle East Marshall Plan to transfer nuclear technology to the Saudis. McMaster, Flynn's replacement, fired Derek Harvey, Flynn's NSC aide, for continuing to push the nuke transfer after Flynn's skids were greased.

The House Oversight Committee wrote a blistering report on this affair, which included among others, Iran/Contra ghost, Bud McFarlane. Barrack, looking for "opportunities", likely served multiple masters, including the House of Saud.

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