Thanks Vicky. As I mentioned on Twitter, I’m hoping you might reconsider this comparison. I like your Gatsby quote. But this is not about careless elites. This is about a married couple willingly enabling a would-be dictator for self-gain. Remember when JK likened the Federal stockpile to his personal possessions by using the word “our” in an official briefing? What they were up to was and continues to be dangerous stuff that imperils the nation. Personally I prefer a comparison with the Goebbelses. Tommy Hitchcock, the model for Tom Buchanan and other characters of FSF’s, was a war hero, even if he was a member of a group of often careless elites. Daisy was based on Zelda who suffered from lifelong mental illness. You’re triggering allergies with this literary comparison that may not serve you long term.

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It’s the Roaring Twenties all over again, but Ivanka lacks Daisy’s charm

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The Allen situation is dreadful. I’m puzzled the feds are going after him unless there was a longer pattern than so far reported. The national security pros in the admin must have been pulling their hair out when Trump blithely backed the boycott. I’ve imagined their situation - somebody’s got to go talk with the Qataris, but no one from the admin can do it because Trump would have a fit and it would look terrible. So the folks in and out of the admin who do the Gulf scrambled around for someone with the necessary stature the Qataris knew and would trust. At the same time the Qataris were scrambling for someone of stature who could act as an intermediary. Allen was the perfect guy for all concerned. He was acting as much for the sane part of the Trump admin as for the Qataris. McMaster knew about and OK’d the trip.

It’s a bit hard to explain in his defense that he was acting on behalf of the US govt to do damage control after the President’s idiotic decision, which had been obtained by a corrupt cabal headed by the President’s son-in-law. But as merely an interested observer since the story broke, I’ve assumed that’s what happened. To be punished for cleaning up after Jared would be beyond unfair. Somebody paid for the trip - is that what caught him?

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Too true. He is so slimy, maybe no one wants to touch him.

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