Thank you for your work on this over the years - look forward to your thoughts when you have had a night to mull it all over. I have cautioned others not to jump to the worst conclusion just because a name is on the list eg Stephen Hawking - from memory Epstein had seemingly legitimate projects etc that genuine people became involved in peripherally that had nothing to do with them being part of his dark depraved lifestyle, so I prefer to wait for facts & context.

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Not only the butler. As a former top NYC fashion photographer I rescued 2 women, one quite young Monte Carlo royalty, from the Paris sleaze agent, the other abused by a Brit royal himself at the NYC mansion sleaze HQ. The Paris dude is, I believe, due for prison time, or maybe French style have his essentials removed. Of the young NYC beauty I have coincidental photos. Maybe she’s in the court documentation, a victim.

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We can see how hard this is for you; thank you for doing this work.

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The Alfredo Rodriguez deposition isn't new and was available on the Internet for years. Once again, we see how the media continues to report old news about Epstein, breathlessly, as if it's new.

For the media, Epstein is evergreen. The same old stories can be repeated again and again to generate clicks. Because conspiracy theorists have the memories of goldfish, they never remember reading the same things as before.

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I’m not a psychologist , but we often hear about women who are partnered with abusers co-opted into becoming a procurer, and I feel this must be a way to gain control or at least retain esteem in the eyes of the abuser. In some way they feel they have at least a bit of power in combination with a deficit in ethics. Which is why I feel it’s a good thing that we convict enabler’s of criminals. I believe it’s within your power to step away from the situation and see it as it is rather than become an enabler as a way to retain power.

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Thank you for this. You mention women were at the centre of this and did his bidding - I have not read everything yet but my first thought is often those who were abused at times become the abuser - the cycle of trauma . Did these women start off being trafficked ? Then became the traffickers ? Or were these women already in position of power? So many thoughts and questions.

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Thank for your words on this difficult and disturbing issue. So many young girls lives have been changed and ruined by this terrible enterprise.

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Vicky, thank you. It’s sobering to think that the lives of so many young girls have been ruined, yet so few abusers have been called to account. Your reporting on all fronts paints a picture of corrupt power structures that seem consequence-proof. The Epstein network is notable because we can see and hear the victims, while the perpetrators get to remain in the shadows carrying on with their lives. Cindy reminds ua that "legitimate projects" were also a part of this story. but why don't we see and hear more people involved in those projects acknowledging with regret that they were made possible by criminal social networks and a child sex trafficking operation? The Duke of York was made to pay into a charity under the settlement he made, but where is the clear and resounding public statement of regret

that might deter others from repeating these crimes ad nauseam? It all seems so grim.

Could you please review what needs to happen for a meaningful number of abusers to be charged with crimes?

What would it take for those elites who benefitted from Epstein's network to come out and acknowledge the tainted funds? As with blood diamonds?

Yesterday you mentioned that you are studying the flow of money and other resources. Please remind us of the main aims of this study.

Warm wishes to all for a more peaceful and equitable 2024.

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