Trump’s cabinet really did great for the American people. And it’s night and day, compared to this communist demented traitor in the Oval Office. I am living it right now, everything is up. Not to mention the open border, money going to the rest of the world but my family. IRS is saying I owe them 600.00 dollars, I make 6k a year. Go figure .

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He doesn't even love his own children He lives only himself and did no governing but talking trash so yeah I never want to hear his voice on any media again. And you make such broad assumptions because I was thrilled to hear an intelligent journalist again. And are you really saying that the poor where more protected under 45a so called administration?? Your blindness is numbing and I am not rich or insulated. You were triggered I see. Considering that Biden who is not demented has achieved more in two years than 45 didn't nor would he want to inbetween golf games. Why is it that any 45 supporter always using name calling and says lairs about me like you know me. Perhaps you are on the wrong Substack

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I don’t even think you need to be a billionaire to make you unrelatable to normal people. I worked with high net worth clients, and their reality is just so different. They are so confident in the sunshine state of their life. They are insulated from bad decisions. They are insulated from any discomfort in their lives. Everything is possible and dreams are attainable. There is a certain hopefulness and happiness that comes from being able to afford to make the changes to make your life better, and I think that is the distinction between people with lots of assets and the rest of us working stiffs, who have to make choices. They are not beholden to rules, and maybe even have the wherewithal to change rules and certainly their attitude is that rules are not for them. They can hold luxury beliefs and if they fug something up, they can throw some money at it and move on whereas the rest of us have to make very careful choices knowing that we will have to sleep in the bed we make. This sounds very trite but I believe it to be true.

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Excellent article-good luck on your shoulder recovery

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Excellent insight into the cultural cocoon the fabulously rich can inhabit -- Painfully Rich, John Pearson's family history of the Gettys, Dossier, Ed Epstein's bio of Armand Hammer and Chernow's House of Morgan provide insights into that cloistered existence, though these elites were close to power, not residing in it. FDR+JFK, rich guys in office, had an odd detachment and enough ironic distance from their suffocating families that some objective reality slipped in (Great Depression, the Other America). Part of W's bewildered fog was class-bound; he never believed that if he broke it, he owned it.

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Great discussion. Growing up in NYC and constantly having to read about Trump's foibles and questionable successes and then having to listen to him on Howard Stern constantly lying was too much. Roy Cohn taught him well about deflection, misdirection and quieting obstacles with frivolous lawsuits. I actually couldn't believe the GOP backed him and he was elected by the electorate and not the people. I relocated to Europe for awhile and was horrified by his clownish behavior and complete ignorance of the rule of constitutional law. I returned to America for family reasons and have felt safer in the world with Biden at the helm. But this Maga cult will destroy us and the world. However, I pray enough Americans who believe in democracy will prevail. This can be the best country in the world if we let it.

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So you are either too rich to go into office or you become corrupt and get rich while in office. 🤦‍♀️

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